Deck Replacement

At Berthon we carry out all the work required in teak deck repair or replacement, along with all deck maintenance for boats up to 120 tonnes. We also carry out remedial work on teak decks for small cruising boats including scarfing repairs and caulking repairs.

Teak wood is mainly used for its oily durable qualities and its consistent form when cross-sawn. Generally, the thickness of the teak for the average yacht deck is about a centimetre thick and if it is looked after it should last 20 years.




Process Behind the Fitting of Your New Deck

We’ve laid enough teak deck in the last 3 years to cover 107 tennis courts

Berthon creates templates of the current decks, marking out each and every deck fitting, turning block, winch and cleat. We then use these templates to create a teak deck in kit form. While this is happening our shipwrights are working on labelling and removing all items from the deck (tracks, cleats, winches, covering plates, mounting brackets and deck hatches). Internally the head-lining is removed to allow access and we put protective coverings on all surfaces. We then start removing the old teak, using various methods depending on how the original deck was laid; generally, we are able to pull large pieces off by hand and in other areas, the traditional hammer and chisel are used along with other more modern time-saving methods. Once the teak is removed the sub deck is cleaned and prepared ready to take the new teak.

Pictured – Aglaia, 77ft Rob Humphreys design

The new teak deck is in a number of pieces at Berthon and will go through a few final stages before being glued to the deck, following which a quality control check is undertaken by the senior charge hand; the original templates are then overlaid on the new deck marking where any shroud plates will need to be cut through. The outside edges of the deck are then bevelled to give a rounded profile and the whole deck is dry fitted.

Pictured – Aglaia, 77ft Rob Humphreys design

Once the senior charge hand is satisfied with the dry fit, the deck will be lifted and the adhesive application will start (for those interested, we use a 2 part epoxy glue in a 1:1 ratio and use around 20kgs per this size yacht). Once the adhesive is applied the relevant deck section is laid in place, aligned into the correct position. The team works around the yacht, starting on one side aft piece by piece until all areas are glued in place and weighted down. We use 120 25kg weights to aid the adhesive process and they are left on overnight while the glue cures.

Areas in the cockpit and transom are occasionally vacuum bagged rather than weighted. The process involves sealing a bag around the area, then using a vacuum pump removing the air from the bag and drawing the teak to the sub deck and adhesive. This works extremely well in areas with compound curves and locker hatches.

Pictured – Aglaia, 77ft Rob Humphreys design

When the new deck is in place the next task of caulking the joints between the deck sections begins, this leaves a seamless joint to finish off the deck perfectly. All that is left is to replace the headlining and deck gear.

Pictured – Aglaia, 77ft Rob Humphreys design

Keeping Your Teak Deck in Pristine Condition

Every year we treat over 100 teak decks with fungicide

Teak always sets a yacht off regardless of how much or little you have, but only when it is clean, at Berthon we recommend using an anti-fungicide treatment at least once a year, this will inhibit the growth of fungus and increase the life of your teak, also it will improve the appearance. The Berthon Boat Care team undertake teak treatments for decks all year round, it really transforms dull decks and will help reduce the build-up of grime over the season.

Pictured – Aglaia, 77ft Rob Humphreys design

Do's and Don'ts


  • Wash gently once a week
  • Use a light detergent and soft sponge or very soft brush
  • Tackle tough stains with oxalic acid solution
  • Fit a cover over the whole deck
  • Repair loose caulk and plugs promptly


  • Scrub with a hard brush
  • Leave decks to get really dirty
  • Sand except as a last resort

Contact us

Call +44 (0)1590 673312 for more information or Contact Us Online to enquire about booking work for your yacht or motor boat

For more information on repairs and refits click here



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